QuantumCore – Aus Ryzen VPS Back In Stock!

Hi all,

We have a few of our Ryzen 1 packages back in stock so get in quick before they run out!

They’re $7 AUD per month and include the following –

1GB Memory
15GB NVME Disk Space
1TB Bandwidth
1 Core 3.8GHz+

To see more information and our plans, visit https://quantumcore.com.au/ryzen-vps

Quantum Core is 100% Australian owned and operated and the team behind Quantum Core has over 20 years in experience in the Web Hosting industry.

Our servers have a 1Gb link, clock speeds of 3.8GHz+ and use purely NVMe storage.

Quantum Core servers are located in Equinix Data Centres in Sydney.

Our ping/tracert IP is:
Looking Glass: https://lg.quantumcore.com.au/

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