MyW – NEW YEARS OFFERS LIFETIME, Shared/Reseller Hosting, DE, LA and SG!

We still have leftovers from Black Friday, you guys deserve it, thank you for your support over the years.
WNDP – WebNegócio Lda. (VAT: PT513782540) has now turned 6 years old – I don’t recall the exact day, but it’s in December so oh well.

What do we offer?

SSD Array in LA, SG and NVMe in DE
DDoS Protection in all our locations
MailChannels for Outbound Delivery
Let’s Encrypt
Python, NodeJS

Worried about migrations? No worries, we will migrate your account(s) for our servers.
cPanel to DirectAdmin, or DirectAdmin to DirectAdmin. We got you covered.

Servers location and specifications:

Falkenstein, Germany, EU (Hetzner)
AMD Ryzen 9 3900
4x2TB NVMe @ RAID 5
DDoS Protection

Los Angeles, USA (Reliablesite)
E3 1240v6
4x1TB SSD @ RAID 5
DDoS Protection

Singapore, Asia (Leaseweb)
2x Intel Xeon E5-2630v4
4×1.92TB SSD @ RAID 5
DDoS Protection

Shared Hosting
2GB SSD space
Unlimited Emails
Unlimited Domains
Unmetered Bandwidth
Available in LA (Los Angeles, USA), DE (Germany, Europe) and SG (Singapore, Asia)
Price: 15€ LIFETIME, Stock: 52
Order: (No coupon needed!)

Reseller Special
25GB SSD space
Unlimited Subaccounts
Unlimited Emails
Unlimited Domains
Unmetered Bandwidth
Available in LA (Los Angeles, USA), DE (Germany, Europe) and SG (Singapore, Asia)
Price: 50€ LIFETIME, Stock: 25 (No coupon needed!)

Reseller Entry
50GB SSD space
Unlimited Subaccounts
Unlimited Emails
Unlimited Domains
Unmetered Bandwidth
Available in LA (Los Angeles, USA), DE (Germany, Europe) and SG (Singapore, Asia)
Price: 80€ LIFETIME, Stock: 14 (No coupon needed!)

Reseller Advanced
100GB SSD space
Unlimited Subaccounts
Unlimited Emails
Unlimited Domains
Unmetered Bandwidth
Available in LA (Los Angeles, USA), DE (Germany, Europe) and SG (Singapore, Asia)
Price: 120€ LIFETIME, Stock: 2 (No coupon needed!)

Annually based promotions, recurring price, you’re gonna love it!

Reseller Entry
50GB SSD space
Unlimited Subaccounts
Unlimited Emails
Unlimited Domains
Unmetered Bandwidth
Available in LA (Los Angeles, USA), DE (Germany, Europe) and SG (Singapore, Asia)
Price: 50€/Annually (Coupon: BF2021)

Reseller Advanced
100GB SSD space
Unlimited Subaccounts
Unlimited Emails
Unlimited Domains
Unmetered Bandwidth
Available in LA (Los Angeles, USA), DE (Germany, Europe) and SG (Singapore, Asia)
Price: 100€/Annually (Coupon: BF2021)

Rules: Old and existing clients are ELIGIBLE for this promotion – however, active services cannot be migrated to other locations such as SG – grab these offers fast while stock lasts!

Enjoy and feel free to share with your friends!

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