Pulsed Media 12Th Anniversary Celebration ** FREE Seedboxes AND Special Anniversary Seedboxes!

Pulsed Media 12th Anniversary Celebration

Amazingly it’s already been 12 years since the sales door at Pulsed Media opened! That’s really something to Celebrate and appreciate!
It’s been a long road till now, and we are keen to see what the next 12 years brings around! Steady progress year over year has been made to bring constantly better services to all of our users. We are humbled by the number of people who have been with us for MORE than a decade! It’s surprisingly large group of users who has done so. Huge thanks to EVERYONE who’s been using our services, especially those who has been using our services for years! Without You we would not be here, tirelessly working to make even better services. It’s humbling to see how many people rejoice and enjoy the seedboxes and servers we provide.

To celebrate this and to give our thanks we have two separate specials on going, a SWEET SWEET Raffle where you get the first month for free! Yes For Free!
Second is V10G seedboxes re-balanced towards more traffic / bandwidth! Thanks for the feedback to make this choice!

All of these are SPECIAL 12TH ANNIVERSARY ONLY PLANS! :O These will run for 30 days or as long as stock lasts. Only 100 each of the V10G Special seedboxes will be sold at maximum. The Raffles are on average 1 per hour for the full 30 days, meaning ~720 FREE seedboxes will be given out if we manage to keep enough free resources on the servers.
The specials may change during these 30days, some may go out of stock, or some new ones may be added.

Check them all out at: https://pulsedmedia.com/specials.php

12th Anniversary Raffle Seedboxes

  • 12th Anniversary SSD 200G: 200GB SSD Raid0 Storage, 1GB Ram, 1Gbps bandwidth, 4 000GiB External Traffic, Unlimited Internal Traffic, 35% Hourly Chance: 2.99€ Per Month FREE First Month
  • 12th Anniversary V1000 500GB: 500GB(455GiB) RAID0 HDD Storage, 1GB Ram, 1Gbps bandwidth, 8 000GiB External Traffic, Unlimited Internal Traffic, 35% Hourly Chance: 2.99€ Per Month FREE First Month
  • 12th Anniversary M10G 1TB: 1TB (910GiB) RAID5 HDD Storage, 1GB Ram, 10Gbps bandwidth, 16 000GiB External Traffic, Unlimited Internal Traffic, 27.5% Hourly Chance: 2.99€ Per Month FREE First Month
  • 12th Anniversary Dragon-R 500GB: 500GB(455GiB) RAID10 HDD Storage, 1GB Ram, 20Gbps bandwidth, 3 000GiB External Traffic, Unlimited Internal Traffic, 2.5% Hourly Chance: 2.99€ Per Month FREE First Month

V10G 12th Anniversary Seedboxes:

  • 12th Anniversary V10G XS: 1TB Storage, 1GB Ram, 10Gbps bandwidth, 4 000GiB External Traffic, Unlimited Internal Traffic: 2.99€ Per Month
  • 12th Anniversary V10G S: 2TB Storage, 2GB Ram, 10Gbps bandwidth, 8 000GiB External Traffic, Unlimited Internal Traffic: 5.99€ Per Month
  • 12th Anniversary V10G M: 4TB Storage, 4GB Ram, 10Gbps bandwidth, 16 000GiB External Traffic, Unlimited Internal Traffic: 8.99€ Per Month
  • 12th Anniversary V10G L: 8TB Storage, 8GB Ram, 10Gbps bandwidth, 32 000GiB External Traffic, Unlimited Internal Traffic: 11.99€ Per Month

V10G now also has RAID5 12 drive servers in the mix for a little bit of redundancy, not only RAID0 4drive servers.

Payment methods

  • Paypal
  • Crypto (BTC, LTC, XMR, ETH, DOGE and many others.)

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