[V.PS]☁️ New Hong Kong Premium Network, 30% OFF! 🇭🇰

Today we have upgraded our Hong Kong core network, you can test our new upstream China Mobile International in the Hong Kong data center.

Looking Glass:




With new network launching, we are offering the following promotion:

30% OFF Coupon Code for all packages including recurring renewals, max use 1 per client.

ONLY HONG KONG LOCATION, Limited stock and expiry date is March 1, 2022.

Coupon Code




- 2x vCPU
- 20GB SSD space
- 1TB transfer
- 1Gbps uplink
- 1x IPv4
- 1x IPv6
- KVM/Proxmox
- €4.17/month w/ coupon code BWJF1FTU93
- €41.97/year w/ coupon code BWJF1FTU93

Order link

Hong Kong, China


Why is my order cancelled?

To use our services, you are required to provide your real and accurate legal name and residential address. All orders are reviewed by our anti-fraud system as well as our own staff. If we find your order or information is not accurate or fraudulent we will reject and refund your order.

What bandwidth is allocated to my VPS? Is it guaranteed?

We allocate each VPS with 1 TB bandwidth on 1 Gbps port. We count both incoming and outgoing bandwidth. The bandwidth listed on our pricing page is guaranteed. The figure shown will be the minimum amount that we assign to you.

Do you allow service transfer?

For all VPS products, we do not allow account transfer.

What ports do you block?

We block outgoing port 25 to prevent spamming, if you need to use port 25 for sending emails, you can contact us or use 3rd party email sending service.

Read more before ordering

Payment Method:

Paypal, all major Credit Cards and Bank Transfer.

Contact Us:

Email [email protected]
Ticket https://xt.om/vps-tickets
ToS https://v.ps/tos/
AUP https://v.ps/aup/
FAQ https://v.ps/faq/
Speedtest https://v.ps/speedtest/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/v_dot_ps

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