Siberian Far East Russia, Korea and Norway servers from $6.99 / 1Gbps / KVM / Direct Asia Routes


We have been in business since 2011, providing high-performance virtual servers in Europe and Asia. Please see below for our new low-end offers.

We have direct routing to China Telecom and Unicom for low-latency to Asia.
From Khabarovsk (Far Eastern Siberia), ~50ms to China.
From Novosibirsk (Central Siberia), ~100ms to China.
From South Korea, as low as 35ms to China.

Fun fact: Our Siberian/Far East location reaches temperatures as low as -30 degrees Celsius during winter months!

Virtual Server in Seoul, South Korea:

vCPU: 1 core (2x E5-2667)
Memory: 768MB DDR4
Storage: 10GB RAID 10 SSD
Traffic allocation: 750GB @ 1Gbps (KT direct China routing)
Includes 1x IPv4 address
Price: $7/month.

Order link:

Virtual Server in Khabarovsk, Russian Far East:

vCPU: 1 core (2x E5-2660-v2)
Memory: 768MB DDR4
Storage: 10GB Hardware RAID 10
Traffic allocation: 1.25TB @ 1Gbps
Includes 1x IPv4 address
Price: $7/month.

Order link:

Virtual Server in Novosibirsk in Central Siberia:
vCPU: 1 core (2x E5-2660-v2)
Memory: 768MB DDR4
Storage: 15GB Hardware RAID 10
Traffic allocation: 2.5TB @ 1Gbps
Includes 1x IPv4 address + IPv6
Price: $7/month.
Order link:

Virtual Server in Oslo, Norway:

CPU: 1 core (Intel E3 v6)
Storage: 15GB RAID 10
Traffic: 2.5TB per month + DDoS protection.
Dedicated IPs: 1 + /80 IPv6 subnet
Virtualisation: KVM
Price: $6.99/month (discounted from $10/month).

Network details:
ISPs in Norway – Lumen (Level 3)/GTT blend
ISPs in Korea – KT Corporation AS4766
ISPs in Novosibirsk Siberia – Rostelecom AS12389.
ISPs in Khabarovsk – Rostelecom, Transtelecom, Megafon, MTS, Beeline blend
ISPs in Espoo, Finland – FNE-Finland/DNA Oy Blend.

Facilities and latency:

Fully redundant network with bonded LACP on NICs and HSRP via Cisco switches.
Powered by renewable energy (Norway) in a state of the art ISO Certified DC with UPS, high-grade security, fire protection, HVAC cooling, and EM protection.
1Gbps full-duplex connection for all VMs.
All VMs come with SolusVM access on KVM virutalisation, where resources are guaranteed.

Note: Please take steps to ensure your IP does not be blocked by CN GFW. We have limited IPs available.

Thank you!

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