SPRING SALE – KVM 2 CPU, 4 GB RAM, 30 GB SSD 39€ / Year – Storage KVM Announcement

Hey LET-Community,
long time no hear, so we’re starting again with our AMD Threadripper 3970X-Power KVM Servers with **2 Cores, 4GB RAM, 30 GB SSD Storage for 39€ per year. **
The promo is limitated to 50 Servers, so grab your Server today:)

As all our Servers, we’re offering this product with the following specs:
Traffic Fair use policy (25 TB / month included)
Free Backup Feature
RDNS Managment
DDoS Protection up to 1 TBit/s
Self developed Management Interface

So I’m also proud to announce our new Storage VPS Line:

Storage KVM Small
with 2 vCores
500 GB HDD Storage with SSD CacheCade Acceleration
8,99 € per month

Storage KVM Medium
with 4 vCore
1000 GB HDD Storage with SSD CacheCade Acceleration
15,99 € per month

Storage KVM Large
with 8 vCores
2000 GB HDD Storage with SSD CacheCade Acceleration
25,99 € per month

As all our Servers, we’re offering this product with the following specs:
Traffic Fair use policy (25 TB / month included)
RDNS Managment
DDoS Protection up to 1 TBit/s
Self developed Management Interface

Happy ordering and feel free to ask Questions :)

【AD】哪些路由器可刷老毛子固件(Padavan)? 品牌型号/固件下载汇总

【AD】美国洛杉矶CN2 VPS/香港CN2 VPS/日本CN2 VPS推荐,延迟低、稳定性高、免费备份_搬瓦工vps

【AD】DMIT限量款“LAX.EB INTRO”, $29.9/年,1核1G/20G SSD /500Mbps@400G/美西9929+cmin2