InterServer – AMD Ryzen 3600x Dedicated Server & And FREE $40

Hello LET,

Interserver would like to present an exclusive dedicated server offer to the LET community.

-Standard Features-
1GB Port DOS Protection
Managed Support

-Dedicated Server Special-
AMD RYZEN 3600X (6 Cores)
64GB Memory
2 x 1TB NVME
150TB Transfer
1 IP Address
$75 per month

Speed test files:
Location: Secaucus, New Jersey

**-$40 Account Credit (FREE)- **
We would also like to offer new accounts a $40 account credit to try our services. Just reply to this thread with your client ID. Your client ID can be found on this page . Use it to purchase any of our services such as web hosting, mail, VPS, storage, or even the dedicated server above. I am not sure how much interest there will be in this offer but I would like to cut it off at 100 credits.

Thanks for reading!

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