Give OpenVZ 9 a try. It’s based on RHEL 9 with the new 5.14 kernel. Boomers experimental offering

Hey everyone!

While this VM isn’t suitable for production I thought you might want to give it a try anyway. It’s only 1.25 USD for 3 months of hosting. That should be plenty of time to try it out. It’s based on OpenVZ 9 that was released last month. RHEL 9 is in BETA.

For all other providers that want to give it a try you can find the ISO link here:

Boomers experimental OpenVZ 9 / RHEL 9 VM with kernel 5.14
15 GB SSD Storage
0.5 GB RAM
1500 GB Monthly Transfer
500Mbps Network Port
1 Dedicated IPv4
OVZ7 / Virtualizor Control Panel
Automatic weekly backups an offsite location
ONLY $1.25 for 3 months of hosting!

Network info

Other important information
SMTP and all outgoing ports are also blocked permanently

Port Speed: 500Mbps

You can choose from Ubuntu 20.04, Alma linux.

No abuse of resources or any kind of abuse. Fair usage on CPU. The rule of thumb is, if it’s illegal, attract DDoS, then it’s NOT okay! Abusers will be terminated without notice or refund.

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