[EU] E5v4 14 cores/28threads just $78.83/mo, DUAL – ( 28 cores/56threads ) – $122.93/mo

E5-2650Lv4 OFFERS:

Single CPU E5-2650Lv4 ( 14 cores/28threads ), 16GB RAM, 1 x 250GB SSD, IP KVM, 1Gbps ( 50TB traffic ) – $78.83 / Monthly and discounts with longer payment periods.
Direct link to a product: https://www.bacloud.com/index.php?rp=/store/one-processor/xeon-e5v4u26q

DUAL E5-2650L v4 14C/28T ( 28 cores/56threads ), 32GB RAM, 1 x 250GB SSD, IP KVM, 1Gbps ( 50TB traffic ) – $122.93/monthly and discounts with longer payment periods.
Direct link to a product: https://www.bacloud.com/index.php?rp=/store/dual-processor/dual-e5v4d26q

IMPORTANT: Clients from China, please check network speed before ordering dedicated servers: http://lg-lt-eu.bacloud.com

PROMO CODE TOPVPS – 15% Windows KVM SSD: https://www.bacloud.com/en/windows-vps-hosting
PROMO CODE TOPVPS – 15% Linux KVM NVMe: https://www.bacloud.com/en/linux-kvm-vps-hosting

USA location Looking Glass: http://lg-chi-us.bacloud.com
EU Location Looking Glass: http://lg-lt-eu.bacloud.com
Looking Glass USA: http://lg-chi-us.bacloud.com/

If you need any custom solution, billing questions please request a quote: [email protected] or Skype: Andrius.Bacloud

We accept BitCoin/Altcoins, Paypal, Credit Cards, AliPay, UnionPay, CashU, SafetyPay, Perfect Money, Direct bank transfer. All payment methods are listed here: https://www.bacloud.com/en/payment-methods

*We do not limit traffic of regular daily usage, websites. Traffic abuse may be high usage all the time for download sites, movie sites, etc. We keep the right to limit traffic.

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