10G Unmetered, 12x10TB SAS, 2xSSD, E5-2630v1, 128GB RAM Dedis for Rapid Delivery From 249€ Per Month

⭐⭐ Pulsed Media Dedicated Servers: 10G Unmetered 12 Drive Storage ⭐⭐

A few special nodes available, one off. Available for a few days until we take them into regular seedbox production.

Debian 10 with immediate delivery, other distros will take a few business days.

Contact our sales dept for the order // Open a ticket, or PM here. This offer is posted only here and our discord.
5% discount for annual, 10% for 2 year or longer prepayment.

These are delivered within 1 business days from payment. Only 1 of each available, these were racked today and passed initial quick QA. SSDs meant for the boot OS, but you can use them for SSD caching too :) Some also have upto 1866Mhz memory instead of the typical 1066Mhz!
These servers can also accept a low power 75W GPU // PCI-E SSD if you have the need, 1xPCI-E 16x single slot is vacant.

Due to energy crisis we might have to increase our pricing soon, so longer prepayment == longer lock-in for the pricing.

yes we know, these are over the typical LET price point, BUT they are 10G Unmetered for reals afterall! not 10G 100TB etc. They are lowend 10G Unmetered Dedis :)

Rapid Delivery 10G Unmetered Dedis with Debian 10

  • 10G UNMETERED: 12x10TB SAS 7200rpm, 2x512GB SSD, 128GB DDR3 ECC, E5-2620 6c/12t CPU ONLY 289€ PER MONTH
  • 10G UNMETERED: 12x10TB SAS 7200rpm, 2x500GB SSD, 128GB DDR3 ECC, E5-2620 6c/12t CPU ONLY 279€ PER MONTH
  • 10G UNMETERED: 12x10TB SAS 7200rpm, 2x240GB SSD, 128GB DDR3 ECC, E5-2620 6c/12t CPU ONLY 269€ PER MONTH
  • 10G UNMETERED: 12x10TB SAS 7200rpm, 2x160GB SSD, 128GB DDR3 ECC, E5-2620 6c/12t CPU ONLY 259€ PER MONTH
  • 10G UNMETERED: 12x10TB SAS 7200rpm, 2x100GB SSD, 128GB DDR3 ECC, E5-2620 6c/12t CPU ONLY 249€ PER MONTH
  • 10G UNMETERED: 12x10TB SAS 7200rpm, 2x80GB SSD, 128GB DDR3 ECC, E5-2620 6c/12t CPU ONLY 249€ PER MONTH


Payment methods

  • Paypal
  • Crypto (BTC, LTC, XMR, ETH, DOGE and many others.)

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