ReadyDedis, LLC | Cloud SSD / NVMe KVM | Singapore VDS inside!

Hey Folks,

ReadyDedis has been a stable and growing company and has been in business for the past 5 years, we specialize in managed services on cloud platforms like AWS, DO, GCP & Azure. We also have our own lineup of powerful KVM instances at 10 different locations in the world with more to come.

Apologies for the late easter deal :)

Today take advantage of our LETEASTER2022 to get 30% on monthly pricing of any plan among the following offerings

AMD EPYC NVMe Singapore

Intel Gold NVMe Mumbai

Ryzen 9 NVMe US

Intel Xeon SSD

That’s not all, we also have another exclusive deal for you guys.

EASTER-VDS-01 ( Singapore ) Free Windows

AMD EPYC 7402P 2 Cores ( Dedicated )
2TB @ 1Gbps
1 IPv4
Order Now

Control Panel

We use the Hypervisor control panel completely owned and developed by us. It offers you full control over your server and also the ability to use a GUI-based firewall, installation scripts, and ssh keys as well.

About Us

Currently, we’re a team of experienced system administrators who’ve been exposed to servers, networking, and security. We’re based out of India but our company is registered and incorporated in Delaware, US in the year 2018.

24×7 Support

Normally we have proactive monitoring in place for all our servers, even so, if you should face any problem we’re always available on-call vide our phone number +1 302-597-7085 or our support platform via tickets.

Payment Methods

PayPal | Credit / Debit Card | Bitcoin | Alipay

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