★★ Website loading times RYZEN? Make your website EPYC again! New RYZEN cPanel Packages ★★

Help to decrease your website loading times by giving it access to higher CPU frequencies. Our new RYZEN cPanel packages are hosted on Ryzen 9 3900X nodes so your website will have access to 3.80GHz frequencies which helps with loading times for websites that don’t utilise multi-threading such as PHP based websites.

All of our RYZEN cPanel servers use the following technologies –

  • LiteSpeed
  • CloudLinux
  • Imunify360
  • Acronis Backups

Here’s our base RYZEN package –

5GB NVMe Disk Space
Unlimited Bandwidth
0 Addon Domains
Unlimited Email Accounts, MySQL Databases etc
1 CPU/1GB Memory
$5 AUD/month or $50 AUD/year

We’re running a 50% recurring discount for all of our RYZEN packages, just use the following coupon code when ordering –


After applying the coupon code, our base package is $2.50 AUD/month or $25 AUD/year which is approx $1.78 USD/month or $17.82 USD/year.

Our RYZEN cPanel servers are hosted in the Equinix datacenters in Sydney, Australia.

To see our other RYZEN cPanel packages –


Each RYZEN cPanel server has a 1Gb link, high CPU clock speeds and uses pure NVMe storage.

Our ping/tracert IP is:
Looking Glass: https://lg.quantumcore.com.au/

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