Summer Offer – Free DA Minimal Hosting for 2 years

Hey! =)

Discover our NAT VPS with an exclusive bonus this summer – Get free NVMe SSD Website Hosting plan on every biennially paid order at any NAT VPS location – Chile / Los Angeles / New York / Germany / Poland / Netherlands / South Africa / Hong Kong / Singapore.

You must select 2 year term length while ordering to get a web hosting plan added for free.

What is a NAT VPS?

A NAT VPS basically an IPv6-primary VPS with shared IPv4 access.
You generally get fully dedicated IPv6 addresses (an /80 subnet – that’s 281,474,976,710,656 IPs!) and a shared IPv4 address.

VPS – NAT256

4GB SSD Disk
1 vCPU (Fair Use)
/80 IPv6 + 20 IPv4 ports
500GB transfer @ 1Gbps; then unlimited at reduced speed

Order $7 / annual
Order $14 / biennial (+ complementary Minimal Hosting plan)
locations available- Chile / Los Angeles / New York / Germany / Poland / Netherlands / South Africa / Hong Kong / Singapore

complementary Minimal Hosting plan worth $10
1GB storage for files
∞ data transfer @ 1Gbps
10 domains & sub-domains
Mailchannels email relay
Free for 2 years with no renew obligation
Server Location options – Los Angeles or Germany or Singapore
by default it’s provisioned randomly to any one of them. create ticket after order if you need a specific location.

Each VPS comes with a control panel which supports enabling tun/tap, Fuse, and PPP.
Full Netfilter support. Virtualization type is OVZ7.
OpenVPN supported.
Wireguard Supported.
You can reinstall the OS, options include Debian 9, 10 & 11, Ubuntu 18 & 20, CentOS 7, Alpine Linux & Almalinux now.

Support for Domain Forwarding – means you can have your domain served on port 80 & 443. SSL support letsencrypt certificates. :)

If you want to use them for VPN I highly recommend Nyr ‘s scripts:


Looking Glasses
Los Angeles –
New York –
Chile –
Netherlands –
Germany –
Poland –
South Africa –
Hong Kong –
Singapore –
Tokyo –

Status page –

Payment Methods
PayPal payments are available. We recommend using Cards via Stripe Payments.
Also BTC, BCH & XMR payments are supported.

note – there is no refund policy for NAT VPS, new PayPal refund terms are very costly and we won’t pay for refunds on NAT VPS. If you really need a refund – that can be done after deducting a small fee covering the Payment Gateway and usage charges. creating a support ticket on our portal is the way, no direct disputes please.

For cards issued in India/billing address in India – Order using INR currency only :)ORDER LINK
INR payment methods: Razorpay(Cards, UPI, Netbanking, GooglePay etc), Stripe payments.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

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