Pulsed Media V1000 Series — -25% UP TO 8TB AND 3YEARS TERM! 1.31€/TB UNMETERED SEEDBOX

Pulsed Media V1000 Series — -25% UP TO 8TB AND 3YEARS TERM! 1.31€/TB UNMETERED SEEDBOX

V1000 series is a Value orientated entry level seedbox series. Turns out we have petabytes of capacity vacant now that most of the 12th anniversary raffles has cancelled, exactly as expected prior.

So here’s a sweet deal for You guys! This offer is valid only for 1 week. No limit on how many per person tho :)

We just updated generally our pricing to get 3year -30% deals going on, you can compound this offer with that one! :) Pricing mentioned below is the monthly pricing.

V1000 1Gbps Seedbox Series

Payment methods

  • Paypal
  • Crypto (BTC, LTC, XMR, ETH, DOGE and many others.)

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