1GServers.com – Current Dual E5 Dedicated Server Specials – From $49.88/mo

I present you today with our current dedicated server specials. We’ve been expanding fast, and working hard to make more servers available for you at special prices. These servers are automatically deployed within 20 minutes after payment. We support Rocky Linux 8, CentOS 8-stream/7, Ubuntu 20.04/18.04 LTS and Debian 11/10. Inventory is very limited, be sure to grab yours today!


  • Dual E5-2690v4, 64GB DDR4 RAM, 2TB SSD, 1gbps unmetered $99/mo
  • Dual E5-2650v2, 64GB DDR3 RAM, 4TB HDD, 20TB monthly data on 1gbps $59.88/mo
  • Dual E5-2650v2, 64GB DDR3 RAM, 2x1TB HDD Raid1, 20TB monthly data on 1gbps $49.88/mo

Order here: https://1gservers.com/auto-deploy-servers-letspecial.html



  • As usual, be sure to keep checking this page for hidden mystery deals that will be popping up:
  • View Our LET Specials

Fine print: The price listed is recurring and price locked. Not valid with any other deals or promotions.

Looking for something special?

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us for a custom quote! Contact Us

Why do business with 1GServers.com

In business since 2012, we have helped hundreds of customers save money to help grow their businesses. We do this by:

  • Continually automating more of our internal processes.
  • Offering affordable bandwidth upgrades.
  • Owning 100% of our hardware / debt free / not resellers.
  • Expert technical support available for the occasional issue

What are some other advantages?

Here are some upgrades we offer:

  • IPMI/KVM console access granted upon request
  • 100TB of monthly transfer for only $49/mo
  • 1Gbps unmetered transfer for only $169/mo
  • Upgrade to /29 subnet for only $5/mo
  • Upgrade to /28 subnet for only $13/mo
  • Upgrade to /27 subnet for only $29/mo (dual processors only)
  • Upgrade to /26 subnet for only $62/mo (dual processors only)
  • IPv6 /64 subnet upon request (free)

About our network

Our multihomed network is enterprise grade powered by 100% Juniper routers and switches. We have over 800Gbps of network capacity and growing.

Thanks for your interest!

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