Affordable RYZEN Windows VPS Launch 50% Off Recurring | Europe/DE

Try our new Windows VPS plans. (KVM Based). European location Germany.

Key Feature highlights –

✔️ AMD Ryzen™ 9 5950X CPU

✔️ DDR4 ECC Memory

✔️ NVMe SSD based storage

✔️ Unlimited Data Transfer

✔️ Complimentary Windows Server 2019 License*

✔️ Fully Private (KVM Virtualized)

✔️ Remote Desktop Support

✔️ European DC location – Germany

We are celebrating this launch with an exclusive offer this month – 50 % off any billing term (also valid monthly) coupon cheapwindowsvps

Sample plan –

4 GB Windows KVM (Unmetered)

2 AMD RYZEN 5950X CPU Cores @3.4 Ghz
4 GB Guaranteed RAM (ECC DDR4)
120 GB SSD NVMe Storage
Unmetered Data Transfer
IPv4 + IPv6 Connectivity
Windows 2019 or 2022 ☑️
Remote Desktop (Windows)

Order Link – £ 4 per mo. (drag slider to see higher plans)

Please feel free to contact us with any questions.

Cloud Five Limited
Registration no 13830058
Companies House
EMAIL US: [email protected]
Chat with US (coming soon)

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