RefinedHost ★ Grand Opening ★ Dedicated Servers, Colocation, VPS’s, Shared Hosting!

Featured Dedicated Server Offer

  • Code “LETDEDICATED” for 5% off recurring discount on ALL Dedicated Servers!

Xeon E3-1270v5
500GB NVMe
10G Uplink
5TB Bandwidth
3X IPv4
Ashburn, VA

  • $113.95/Month

Order Now!

VPS Offers – Ashburn, VA

  • Code “LETVPS” for 15% off recurring discount!

View VPS Listings Here!

1 vCore | 512MB | 25GB NVMe – $3.39/M
2 vCore | 1GB | 35GB NVMe – $5.94/M
3 vCore | 2GB | 40GB NVMe – $8.49/M

Colocation – Ashburn, VA

  • Code “LETCOLO” for 5% off recurring discount!

1A-4A @ 208V Power
5TB @ 10Gbps Bandwidth
/29 (5 Usable IPv4s Included)
99.99% Uptime SLA
Free Racking
Ashburn, VA

Starting @ $69.99

Order Now!

Web-Hosting | Shared

  • Code “LETWEB” for 10% off recurring discount!

1 Website
15GB NVMe Storage
500GB Bandwidth
Unlimited Databases
5 Email Accounts
Softaculous One-Click Installer


Are your servers/hardware owned?
Yes! Our equipment is owned, from our Servers, to our Switches and PDU’s are all owned!

Where are your servers located?
As of now, we offer all of our services in Ashburn, VA which is an extremely premium location!

Do you have a ASN?
Yes, we are operated under Nodestop LLC, AS400536

What payment methods do you accept?
As of right now, we are only accepting credit/debit card (Stripe)

What are delivery times?

VPS: Instant Delivery | Shared-Hosting: Instant Delivery | Colocation: Same Business Day Racking | Dedicated Servers: 1-7 Business Days (Usually within 3)

【AD】哪些路由器可刷老毛子固件(Padavan)? 品牌型号/固件下载汇总

【AD】美国洛杉矶CN2 VPS/香港CN2 VPS/日本CN2 VPS推荐,延迟低、稳定性高、免费备份_搬瓦工vps

【AD】DMIT限量款“LAX.EB INTRO”, $29.9/年,1核1G/20G SSD /500Mbps@400G/美西9929+cmin2