[Dedicated Deals] 1 Gbps Unmetered | Ryzen | Xeon | Core i9 | <<< PLUS Secret Deal >>>


100% Dedicated/Unshared Ports

1 Gbps Unmetered – FREE
2 Gbps Unmetered – $99/m
3 Gbps Unmetered – $190/m
5 Gbps Unmetered – $350/m
10 Gbps Unmetered – $599/m

DDoS Protection – Included

Deals are first come first serve, if you no longer see it on the web site, then it’s sold out.

Data Centers:
New York City Metro
Miami, Florida
Los Angeles, California

Add a nVidia Quadro RTX 4000 GPU to the following servers for an additional $99/mo:
-Intel Core i7 9700K
-Intel Core i9 9900K
-Intel Core i9 10900K
-AMD Ryzen 3700X/3900X/3950X
-AMD Ryzen 5600X/5800X/5900X/5950X

We also have more modern servers in stock, but not listed below as they are priced above $120/mo.

Offers $120 and Under (full list here):

Configurable - (4 Cores)    Intel Core i7 6700K (Custom Config) Configurable /  Configurable    $49.00/mo
Instant Setup - (4 Cores)   Intel Core i7 6700K (Rapid Deploy 64GB) 64GB DDR4 /     512GB SSD+2TB HD    $69.00/mo
Instant Setup - (4 Cores)   Intel Core i7 7700K (Rapid Deploy 32GB) 32GB DDR4 /     2x256GB SSD $75.00/mo
Instant Setup - (4 Cores)   Intel Core i7 7700K (Rapid Deploy 64GB) 64GB DDR4 /     2x512GB SSD $84.00/mo
Instant Setup - (4 Cores)   Intel Special (RD 32GB) 32GB DDR3 /     1TB SSD $55.00/mo
Instant Setup - (4 Cores)   Intel Xeon E3 1240 V5 (Rapid Deploy 64GB)   64GB DDR4 /     512GB SSD+2TB HD    $79.00/mo
Instant Setup - (4 Cores)   Intel Xeon E3 1240 V6 (RD 64GB HDD) 64GB DDR4 /     2x2TB HD    $84.00/mo
Instant Setup - (4 Cores)   Intel Xeon E3 1240 V6 (RD 64GB SSD) 64GB DDR4 /     1TB SSD $84.00/mo
Instant Setup - (6 Cores)   AMD Ryzen 5600X (RD 64GB)   64GB DDR4 /     512GB NVMe  $99.00/mo
Instant Setup - (6 Cores)   Intel Xeon E5 1650 V3 (RD 128GB RAID)   128GB DDR4 /    2x1TB SSD+2x2TB HD  $99.00/mo
Instant Setup - (6 Cores)   Intel Xeon E5 1650 V4 (RD 128GB)    128GB DDR4 /    1TB SSD+4TB HD  $109.00/mo
Instant Setup - (8 Cores)   AMD Ryzen 3700X (RD 64GB)   64GB DDR4 /     2x512GB NVMe    $109.00/mo
Configurable - (8 Cores)    AMD Ryzen 5800X (Custom Config) Configurable /  Configurable    $99.00/mo
Instant Setup - (8 Cores)   AMD Ryzen 5800X (RD 64GB)   64GB DDR4 /     512GB NVMe  $119.00/mo
Instant Setup - (8 Cores)   Intel Core i7 9700K (RD 64GB)   64GB DDR4 /     512GB NVMe SSD  $99.00/mo
Instant Setup - (8 Cores)   Intel Core i9 9900K (RD 64GB)   64GB DDR4 /     1TB NVMe SSD    $115.00/mo
Configurable - (8 Cores)    Intel Xeon E5 1660 V3 (Custom Config)   Configurable /  Configurable    $79.00/mo
Instant Setup - (12 Cores)  Dual Xeon E5 2603 V3 (RD 64GB RAID) 64GB DDR4 /     4x2TB HD    $99.00/mo
Instant Setup - (16 Cores)  Dual Xeon E5 2620 V4 (RD 64GB RAID) 64GB DDR4 /     4x2TB HD    $119.00/mo

[ The secret deal can be found with coupon code June20225950X128GB ]

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【AD】美国洛杉矶CN2 VPS/香港CN2 VPS/日本CN2 VPS推荐,延迟低、稳定性高、免费备份_搬瓦工vps

【AD】DMIT限量款“LAX.EB INTRO”, $29.9/年,1核1G/20G SSD /500Mbps@400G/美西9929+cmin2