Summer Special – 4 vCPUs, 16 GB RAM, 100 GB SSD KVM for 9,99€ / month

We’re continueing our offers on these warm summer days and introduce our KVM deal this summer:

Intel Xeon Gold 5120 CPU Servers with **4 Cores, 16GB RAM, 100 GB SSD Storage for 9,99€ per month.
The promo is limitated to 50 Servers, so grab your Server today :)

Server price is recurring as long as the server is rented. Save one month with annual prepayment!

To the offer..

As all our Servers, we’re offering this product with the following specs:
Traffic Fair use policy (25 TB / month included)
Free Backup Feature
RDNS Managment
DDoS Protection up to 1 TBit/s
Self developed Management Interface



Have fun :)

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