[KTS24.com] New SSD G2 Ressources available! Starting at 1,49 € p.m.

In the past months we often got requests when the SSD vServers are available again. As soon as resources became available, they were usually rented to the next customer after a few hours, which made it difficult for new and existing customers to order the necessary resources.

Finally the time has come. Additional host systems with a total of 1 TB of RAM have been put into operation and tested a few days ago. Since I currently assume that the waiting customers have all been served and more host systems are already planned I can finally recruit new customers again :)

What our customers appreciate:

  • No hidden costs
  • full transparency
  • high availability
  • scale the service as needed

For more information, please visit https://www.kts24.com here is our entire portfolio.
Our most popular vServer offers:

SSD G2 – 2 GB – for only 2,99 € per month

  • 1 shared Intel E5 Core
  • 2 GB DDR3 ECC memory
  • 30 GB SSD in RAID1/10
  • public IPv4 already includet!

to the offer: https://www.kts24.com/offer/84

SSD G2 – 4 GB – for only 4,99 € per month

  • 2 shared Intel E5 Core
  • 4 GB DDR3 ECC memory
  • 60 GB SSD in RAID1/10
  • public IPv4 already includet!

to the offer: https://www.kts24.com/offer/9

All systems are powered by two independent circuits and are redundantly connected to our network to ensure the best possible stability for your systems.

For more information about the data center, please visit: https://kts24.com/about/datacenter

Best regards
from Haendler.IT

【AD】哪些路由器可刷老毛子固件(Padavan)? 品牌型号/固件下载汇总

【AD】美国洛杉矶CN2 VPS/香港CN2 VPS/日本CN2 VPS推荐,延迟低、稳定性高、免费备份_搬瓦工vps

【AD】DMIT限量款“LAX.EB INTRO”, $29.9/年,1核1G/20G SSD /500Mbps@400G/美西9929+cmin2