↳Crunchbits.com — KVM Pure SSD & Pure NVMe / VirtFusion / 1Gbps / Spokane, WA USA / 19% OFF

Hey LET,
We’re excited to make our first public offering live. In honor of that, all VPS plans are 19% off (recurring) just for LET users with coupon code: charlet

All VPS plans include:

  • 1 IPv4 Address
  • 1 IPv6 /64
  • VirtFusion Panel
  • Full end-user controls (reinstall, reboot, VNC, etc)
  • Credit Card or Cryptocurrencies (crypto still manually processed as we search for new merchant)
  • 1Gbps port
  • self-controlled rDNS management
  • 1 or 2 included backup slots (manual or scheduled)

Our entire network is Juniper from the racks to our routing engine. All of the physical infrastructure (fiber, servers, switches, routers, etc) are 100% owned by us. 2 of the 3 datacenters we have a physical presence in are wholly owned by us, with the third being H5 Quincy (Tier III data center). All of our locations are Central/Eastern Washington routed through Spokane, WA.

1G RAID-10 SSD $2.99 $2.42/mo Order

↳1 Core
↳50GB RAID-10 Pure SSD Storage
↳2TB @ 1Gbps Bandwidth

2G NVMe $5.99 $4.85/mo Order

↳1 Core
↳20GB NVMe Storage
↳2TB @ 1Gbps Bandwidth

The rest of our available products/plans:

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【AD】DMIT限量款“LAX.EB INTRO”, $29.9/年,1核1G/20G SSD /500Mbps@400G/美西9929+cmin2