LET users 40% OFF our cPanel or Plesk Hosting

We hope you and your loved ones are safe and well. This offer still stands.
We are offering exclusive to LET users 40% OFF our cPanel or Plesk Hosting collection:

  1. PayPal
  2. Credit/Debit Card
  3. Direct Debit
  4. Call our sales team to make payment over the phone
    Promo Voucher: J8VY597XIA
    This promotion is for life exclusive to LET users only.
    Note that prices are excluding VAT at 20%. New orders are manually screened before deployment.
    Aonap Hosting had been created by the founding team; the company had been created by pure annoyance of the current status quo of the hosting industry and the need to charge things up by making hosting smart, simple and secure. Aonap partners with Interxion Data Centre, securing their very own privately and owned rooms within these state of the art facilities. As a company we are excited about releasing new products and securing newly state of the art data centres to expand our location portfolio.
    We look forward to working with you :)
    Best, Aonap Team

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